On Medindia find the complete list of Analgesic And Antipyretic Agent drugs with their available forms and strength. More information is available on each drug including their price list.
Apart from its analgesic and antipyretic properties, aspirin also possesses antiplatelet activity and is, therefore, used in the prophylaxis of thromboembolism, the prevention of transient ...
Researchers have found that antibody levels do not drop among recipients of two COVID-19 vaccine shots who took antipyretic analgesics after experiencing adverse post-vaccination reactions.
Acetaminophen 10mg/mL; soln for IV infusion; preservative-free. The precise mechanism of the analgesic and antipyretic properties of acetaminophen is not established but is thought to primarily ...
Ibuprofen, famotidine 800mg/26.6mg; tabs. Ibuprofen has analgesic, antiinflammatory, and antipyretic properties. The mechanism of action of the ibuprofen, like that of other NSAIDs, is not ...