International hacker and activist group, Anonymous, has issued a stern warning ... Anonymous is an online community known for high-profile cyberattacks against governments, corporations, and ...
Mustafa Al-Bassam is a former member of Anonymous, the global hacktivist ... a splinter group that launched high-profile cyberattacks in 2011. He was one of the key figures behind its hacking ...
With so many people using the internet for daily browsing, social media, and even shopping, maintaining online anonymity is ...
His name is “The Jester” and he has worked alone as an anonymous hacker vigilante since 2010. Though the international "hacktivist" group Anonymous declared cyber-war against ISIS on Sunday ...
Busted! FBI catches Anonymous hacker after he uploads a picture of his girlfriend's breasts on Twitter via his iPhone Anonymuos hacker Higinio O. Ochoa the third has been caught by the FBI after ...
A judge sentenced blogger Matthew Keys to two years in federal prison for helping hacker group Anonymous access the Los Angeles Times website in 2010. Eric Trump, son of Republican presidential ...
After facing 125 years in prison, hacker Hector Monsegur chose to work with the FBI. Now, alongside former agent Chris Tarbell, he exposes how cybercrime has evolved — and why it’s worse than ever.
The Anonymous hacker collective is pooling its resources to help support Ukraine against the Russians. Hackers took down several important Russian government websites, and, the state ...