Former NYPD officer has flown a version of the 'thin blue line' flag for a decade. Now the HOA is demanding it be removed.
The flag of Cuba consists of five horizontal stripes — three blue and two white — along with a red equilateral triangle on the left side. The blue stripes represent the three military ...
In Donald Trump's eyes, anyone who kneels during the National Anthem is a "son of a bitch." But the 45th U.S. president could apparently use another grade school lesson or two on the American flag.
Until the Executive Order of June 24, 1912, neither the order of the stars nor the proportions of the flag was prescribed. Consequently, flags dating before this period sometimes show unusual ...
Some interpret the red, white and blue stripes as the highways that will take the scattered Assyrians back to their ancestral homeland. Above the blue star is the image of the Assyrian god Assur, who ...