Maybe that’s even more than half of the fun. [CuriousMarc] got an HP 5061A Cesium clock, a somewhat famous instrument as the model that attempted to prove the theory of relativity. The reason?
TORONTO, ONTARIO / ACCESS Newswire / March 13, 2025 /Grid Metals Corp. (TSXV:GRDM)(OTCQB:MSMGF) ("Grid" or the "Company") is pleased to provide a corporate update including the appointment of a new ...
The team tested the battery prototype with cesium-137 and cobalt-60, common radioactive byproducts of nuclear reactors. Using ...
The Norwegian Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (DSA) has discovered traces of radioactive Cesium-137 near the Russian ...
New atomic clocks are more accurate than those used to define the second, suggesting the definition might need to change ...
Highlights A review of the Company's drill core assay dataset has identified multiple distinct areas of considerable cesium ...
Shallow, high-grade, and consistent mineralization with exceptional cesium oxide (Cs₂O) and tantalum (Ta) intercepts were identified at the West Joe prospect, including concentrations of up to ...
MITO -- The Ibaraki Prefectural Government on April 12 requested a voluntary halt to shipments of an edible wild tree shoot after radioactive cesium over the legal threshold was detected in samples.
Grid Metals Corp. (TSXV:GRDM)(OTCQB:MSMGF) (”Grid” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce the start of the cesium drill program at the High-Grade Dyke at the Donner lithium/cesium property in ...
TORONTO, ONTARIO / ACCESS Newswire / February 18, 2025 / Grid Metals Corp. (TSXV:GRDM)(OTCQB:MSMGF) ("Grid" or the "Company") is pleased to announce it has signed a cesium supply agreement (the ...
Detailed price information for Grid Metals Corp (GRDM-X) from The Globe and Mail including charting and trades.