At the time of the Civil War ... were America’s first pictorial war correspondents. They were young men (none were women) from diverse backgrounds—soldiers, engineers, lithographers and ...
Harper's Pictorial History of the Civil War (Annotated) challenges visual documentation that excluded Black subjects from a conflict that directly involved them.
“A Kansas Soldier at War: The Civil War Letters of Christian and Elise Dubach Isely,” and the inferences that can be made through those letters. Isely was stationed at Fort Leavenworth for ...
But he feared the Civil War would shatter his beloved ... Through his ministrations of wounded soldiers, he found that purpose and a new inspiration for his art.
The Civil War was a military, cultural, political, and economic milestone in American history. For four years the nation was in a bloody divide that extended from the East Coast to the pioneer West ...
In this blog post, Jabour explores the multitude of women who dressed as men to fight—and die—in all the major battles of the Civil War. 'I Wanted to Do My Part': Women as Soldiers in Civil ...