Cattle exist the world over, from North America to Australia and everywhere in between. Get to know 25 of the most popular cow breeds right here. Temperament: Docile, good-natured Weight ...
It took thousands of years to develop the world's extraordinary range of domesticated farm animals—an estimated 8,800 ...
The breed stems from the ancient cattle of the Galloway hills, which may have been crossed with the Lakenvelder (Dutch Belted cow). They were later developed through four foundation breeders, notably ...
A cow at Ashton Creek Farm in Iowa defied 1-in-105,000 odds by giving birth to healthy triplets, while one in North Dakota birthed a set of quintuplets.
It was these steps and the herd book, which helped the breed to become the second most popular dairy cattle in the world, with the Jersey cow today being found in most countries around the world.
Derrell Peel, livestock marketing specialist, says cattlemen can expect continued record prices through at least the next year.
This guide will tell you how you can master cattle ... short list to help you keep track and proceed accordingly. These key pointers are as follows: Build a holding space for cows and breed ...