Child: Ow! There’s some stone from your quern in my bread. Ancient Egyptian person: Ok, we’re good at farming, but we’re not perfect. The ancient Egyptians based their farming around the ...
Rabie believes that innovative solutions like rooftop farming are key to the future of Egypt's agriculture, given that only 3-4 percent of the country's land is arable. “The villagers do not own ...
In Egypt, where water scarcity already is a problem, farmers are moving away from water-intensive crops such as rice. “Everyone is worried about the dam, not just me,” said Mohamed Abdelkhaleq ...
The discussions highlighted the importance of brands offering financial and technical support, as well as opening markets for cotton farmers in Egypt adopting regenerative practices. The ...
The strategic partnership is designed to facilitate the engagement of Egyptians abroad in agricultural investments, ...
The organic farming sector in Egypt is witnessing unprecedented growth, driven by increasing health consciousness, environmental awareness, and proactive government initiatives. As consumer ...
Child: Ow! There’s some stone from your quern in my bread. Ancient Egyptian person: Ok, we’re good at farming, but we’re not perfect. The ancient Egyptians based their farming around the ...