There are more model, feature choices today, and financial incentives for changing your water heater and home heating-air conditioning systems that offset upfront costs.
especially over the system's lifetime when compared to gas furnaces. In some cases, geothermal electric heat pumps can save you money over the most cost-efficient natural gas boilers. They are ...
A key regulator voted to move forward with construction rules that will require most new buildings to be powered by ...
Choose the best infloor heating system. We cover the pros and cons of electric systems and hot water (hydronic) systems for comfort and space heating. Electric are easier and usually cheaper to ...
including a licensed electrician to do the electrical work. With the right heat pump and system design for your home and regional climate, a backup heating system shouldn’t be necessary.
Electric underfloor heating consists of a long wire that is coiled underneath your chosen flooring. This wire is connected to the mains electricity supply. When the system is switched on, the wire ...
If your heating system isn’t keeping up with the winter chill, now’s the time to consider an electric space heater. Even if you have central heating, a good space heater can save energy while ...