This interactive web map contains the following flood hazard layers: National Flood Hazard Layers (NFHL): This layer contains the most current digital FIRM maps accepted and approved by FEMA. Q3 Flood ...
are based on riverine flooding and are delineated on the Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs). The Zones shown on the City’s FIRM subject to insurance implications and regulatory requirements are: FEMA ...
SARASOTA, Fla. (WWSB) - Thousands of people in Sarasota County will be affected by the updated flood maps released by FEMA. “The flood maps basically determine whether you have to carry ...
SUPERIOR — Officials from the Federal Emergency Management Agency and Douglas County are holding an open house Thursday about ...
The remapping effort focuses on updating the FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM) to reflect the 1 percent risk (100-year) flood risks around Swan Lake. This update replaces outdated maps that ...
This data is meant to complement the current effective Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) data, but not replace it. For areas where no flood hazard data exists, the BLE dataset may be the only source of ...
Key information sources for designation and mapping these areas include: Effective Flood Insurance Rate Maps from FEMA Preliminary ... applicable standards required by a currently effective FIRM. If ...