Kirk Hammett,' written by Chris Vinnicombe, Gibson's Editor-in-Chief, and released via Gibson Publishing on March 20, is a ...
Metallica's Kirk Hammett will share the stories behind some of his favorite guitars in a new coffee table book, 'The Collection: Kirk Hammett.' ...
Available in Standard, Deluxe and Custom Editions, this weighty 400-pager is essential for Metallica gear heads and tells the story behind Hammett's most-famous guitars ...
Kirk Hammett is available via Gibson Publishing. Metallica’s Kirk Hammett Showcases Guitar Collection in New Book ...
Metallica’s Kirk Hammett has released a lavish coffee-table book showcasing his extensive guitar collection.  The 400-page volume, “The Collection: Kirk Hammett,” dives deep into the world of the San ...
Band Metallica's Kirk Hammett Says Are the 'Architects' of Metal Metallica guitarist Kirk Hammett credits one band as being the true 'architects' of heavy metal. Spoiler: it's not Black Sabbath.
Remember like ten or twelve years ago, when Guitar Hero was at the peak of its popularity, and all these alarmists were like, “This is gonna ruin guitar by making kids not wanna pick up a real ...