Use part of your pay raise to tackle high-interest debt, such as credit cards or loans. Reducing debt not only saves money on interest but also greatly reduces your stress. A balanced approach might ...
Increasing pay and benefits alone won't be enough to attract young people to the service, Army Secertary nominee Daniel ...
That means that even a small change in the anticipated pay raise calculations can make a big difference for military families ...
VIETNAM UNCHRONICLED: MOAA presents stories of service and sacrifice. MOAA National serves in an advisory capacity for ...
The Pentagon is also likely to pause military recruitment and operational planning. The pause in pay and furloughs will have impacts that go beyond U.S. borders. USAA is preparing to step in for ...
However, the Pentagon uses a different metric that extends beyond basic pay, which it calls regular military compensation. This includes benefits such as tax advantages and housing and food ...
The cost-of-living adjustment is significantly less than last year’s, which at 8.7% was the largest bump in four decades.
The military offers a few retirement plans, so you'll want to see which one you have and how it works. Typically you need to serve for at least 20 years to receive full retirement pay. The amount ...
So, after 20 years of service, members would normally receive 40% of their eligible pay. For military personnel serving in combat zones, as declared by executive order, special tax considerations ...