Pupils at a school are being offered the chance to not have homework for two weeks - but only if they use their smartphones less and read a book instead. Staff at Solihull School, an independent ...
Amy said her son Cooper had been out of education since October 2024 An academy trust is launching an independent investigation at a Solihull ... pupils. He said the former CEO of a special school ...
READ MORE: Solihull school 'first' to give teachers one day off a fortnight as head forced to act Get breaking news on BirminghamLive WhatsApp Headteacher and former pupil Stuart Shelton explained ...
A number of parents have raised concerns over the standard of teaching at a Solihull school ... on at least one occasion a pupil has ‘escaped’ from the school site. Forward Education Trust ...
An academy trust is launching an independent investigation at a Solihull ... to pupils who are autistic or have mental health needs. But some parents have expressed concern about the school's ...