This Is Tom Jones. "60 years ago I released It's Not Unusual, and what a ride it's been! Back then I would never have believed this one tune would have led on to such a wonderful life and career ...
When it comes to major singing icons, Sir Tom Jones is undoubtedly up there with the best. The legendary singer, from Pontypridd, may have started his career in the '60s, but at 84, he's still ...
Tom Jones Celebrates Major Milestone as 'It's Not Unusual' Turns 60: 'What a Ride It's Been!' Tom Jones Reveals His Second Hip Replacement: 'Papa Has Two New Hips Now!' Tom Jones Denies 'Pure ...
2002 saw the release of Mr Jones, a collaboration with former Fugees member Wyclef Jean and Jerry Wonder Duplessis. The album was recorded in New York and was an attempt at modernising Tom's music.
In eighteenth-century England, Tom, the bastard son of one of Squire Allworthy's servants Jenny Jones and the local barber Partridge, is raised by virtuous Allworthy as his own son, after he sent ...