Chagas disease is a leading cause of heart disease affecting approximately 10 million people in Latin America and elsewhere worldwide. The two major drugs available for the treatment of Chagas ...
Chagas disease can cause very serious heart problems. If untreated, infection is lifelong and can be life threatening. Treatment is most effective in the early stages of disease. If you think you have ...
“Diagnosing Chagas disease can be challenging, as symptoms may not appear for years or even decades, and treatment must occur before that happens.” Bast advises that if you suspect you’ve ...
Early detection is crucial for preventing the progression of the disease and reducing the risk of complications. Treatment for Chagas disease is most effective when administered during the acute ...
“The results obtained are particularly relevant in the context of a global re-evaluation of guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of Chagas disease,” says Irene Losada, coordinator of the ...
Understanding how Chagas disease works is another goal of the ... as understanding all of this will aid treatment and prevention. Researchers from Osaka Metropolitan University and the University ...
However it had happened, my family understood this: A New York doctor had diagnosed my auntie with Chagas disease. It meant my auntie could die. We didn’t ask questions. English wasn’t our ...
tests of a new drug for the treatment or chronic Chagas disease; planning for community-based drug distributors in order to add mebendazole and praziquantel to ivermectin for NTD control together with ...
"The results obtained are particularly relevant in the context of a global re-evaluation of guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of Chagas disease," says Irene Losada, coordinator of the ...
Chagas is primarily diagnosed by serological techniques—the detection of antibodies to T. cruzi in the blood—during the chronic phase of the disease. To improve diagnostic access, Paraguayan ...