An engraving attributing John Wilkes Booth’s assassination of Abraham Lincoln to the influence of Knights of the Golden Circle. [Library of Congress] In the summer of 1859, several stock actors ...
An interview with the author of Cahokia Jazz.
Ms. Muir is the author of Reflections in Bullough’s Pond: Economy and Ecosystem in New England. The working title of her current project is: What Good is a Nation; A Clear-Eyed Look at Nations ...
Mr. Finkelstein teaches political science at DePaul University in Chicago. He is the author of four books including most recently, The Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish ...
Nothing as a student was more delicious than learning how somebody else scored on a test. To find out their IQ, of course, was like gaining the rare chance to feast at King Henry's table.
Mr. Adell is a student at Oberlin College. Democrats, more than Republicans it seems, have always had a penchant for their "lovable losers;" those candidates, who despite passionate adherence to ...
Mr. Keller is Spector Professor of History at Brandeis. Ms. Keller was Associate Dean of Academic Affairs of Harvard's Faculty of Arts and Sciences from the 1970s to the 1990s. They are the ...
Mr. Gould, professor emeritus at the University of Texas at Austin, is writing a history of the Senate in the twentieth century. Alan Keyes, the Republican senatorial candidate in Illinois, has ...
Mr. Cole is professor of Middle Eastern and South Asian History at the University of Michigan and author of Sacred Space and Holy War (I.B. Tauris, 2002). One of the justifications U.S. hawks give ...
Mr. Fisher, Senior Specialist in Separation of Powers with the Congressional Research Service of the Library of Congress, is author of Nazi Saboteurs on Trial: A Military Tribunal & American Law ...
That the CIA targets terror suspects for assassination should come as no surprise to anyone following the news. A special set of circumstances, however, led ...
John Barnhill is an independent historian living in Oklahoma and a writer for the History News Service. Bring on the Indians; the cavalry is back. A couple of months ago we were all sitting around ...