The ACC made the announcement Wednesday, hours after the video of Robinson went viral on X and Reddit. The progressive watchdog organization, Right Wing Watch, shared the video on their X account Wednesday and in less than 24 hours, it has already been viewed over 17.5 million times.
A Michigan priest had his license revoked by the Anglican Catholic Church after he mimicked a straight-arm gesture performed by Elon Musk during a speech earlie
A Grand Rapids priest was removed from his position in the Anglican Catholic Church on Wednesday after mimicking a gesture recently made by Elon Musk, which has been compared to a Nazi salute.
The Anglican Catholic Church priest who mimicked Elon Musk's controversial gesture has been kicked out of the church.
A Grand Rapids priest with the Anglican Catholic Church was removed from position for making what appears to be a Nazi salute.
A priest in Grand Rapids, Michigan, had his license revoked by the Anglican Catholic Church after the priest mimicked a straight-arm gesture performed by Elon Musk earlier this month.
Calvin Robinson, the priest-in-charge at a Grand Rapids Anglican Catholic Church, had his license revoked after salute at pro-life event.
Calvin Robinson, priest-in-charge at St. Paul’s Anglican Catholic Church, was defrocked Thursday, Jan. 29, after church leadership learned he’d made the controversial salute to a crowd at the National Pro-Life Summit on Jan. 25 in Washington, D.C.
It's a story that in some ways began about 20 years ago during a Central Michigan University fraternity event for accounting majors.
From a non-profit leader, to a city manager and a legal expert - many were initially unsure how far the pause might reach. But for all three, it raised concern.
Figure skaters in West Michigan are ‘shaken and heartbroken’ after skaters they shared the ice with died in a plane crash in Washington, DC.
President Trump's executive order allows federal immigration agencies to make arrests at schools, churches and hospitals, ending a decades-old policy.