San Antonio weather report indicates a few clouds with a current temperature of 43°F, humidity at 68%, and a chilly wind chill of 36°F.
Winds nearly 30 miles per hour will push into San Antonio during the morning rush hour and blow even higher through midday and early afternoon before tapering off at dark.
San Antonio morning starts foggy with high humidity, but is expected to clear up with winds shifting and temperatures reaching 85°F.
Considering how bad our drought is in South Texas, any type of weather pattern that brings strong winds and dry air will be conducive for fire weather.
A severe storm threatens North Texas, bringing tornado and hail risks, a large dust storm (haboob) clouds West Texas and fire warnings in Central Texas.
The wildfire risk in South Texas has increased Tuesday with several fire weather and wind alerts. What do each of them mean?
A forecast of breezy and dry weather behind a cold front this weekend has prompted the National Weather Service to issue a Fire Weather Watch for Saturday afternoon and evening for South Central Texas,
After 50 mph winds ripped through South San Antonio, residents are reporting significant damage to their roofs and fences.