Disney CEO Bob Iger, who greenlighted Twin Peaks as ABC Entertainment President from 1989–1992, pays tribute to series co-creator David Lynch who died.
He was my north star. He watched me grow up. He watched me become a mother. He cheered me on when I stepped into the director’s chair,” Madchen Amick said about David Lynch.
“Twin Peaks” was his ultimate portrait of a land of terror and beauty.
Lynch, who was born in Montana in 1946, was a writer, director and painter who studied at the American Film Institute. He first broke into the movie scene in 1977 when he turned his thesis project into his first feature film "Eraserhead," a black-and-white surrealist indie film that quickly gained notoriety as a midnight movie.
North Bend reflects on David Lynch's impact and plans a range of activities, including a pub crawl for charity and civic meetings.
David Lynch’s children to honour film-maker with ‘worldwide group meditation’ - The event will take place on Monday, which would have been his 79th birthday, to celebrate his life and legacy.
Transcendental Meditation was a key part of the the life of David Lynch, as this writer discovered when she interviewed him in 2006.
Calling something Lynchian means recognizing what we’re seeing is off-kilter and that it doesn’t entirely compute.
Director David Lynch has died. Movies like "Blue Velvet," "Wild at Heart" and "Mulholland Drive" made him a counterculture auteur.
Tokyo, Japan, November 1984: Director David Lynch at a press conference in Tokyo. Lynch was in town promoting his latest film “Dune,” the Dino De Laurentiis epic film based on Frank Herbert’s best-selling science fiction novel.
David Lynch, iconic filmmaker of Twin Peaks and Blue Velvet, dies at 78. Learn about his cause of death, legacy, and impact on cinema.