Natural de Três Lagoas, Daiane Muniz vai comandar o Árbitro de Vídeo (VAR) do jogo do título do Paulistão, que acontece na ...
Desde então, o carioca não parou mais de subir no ranking. Em fevereiro foi campeão do ATP 250 de Buenos Aires. Logo depois, ...
Throughout March, Canela.TV will feature a variety of content highlighting Latinas who inspire the next generation, including new episodes of the animated series SúperEllas, featuring the stories ...
The Hispanic streamer is using Brightcove’s intelligent video engagement platform and streaming solutions to expand its reach and ad revenue ...
Brightcove, the video engagement company, has announced that Canela Media, a technology and innovation-driven multicultural ...
Its free streaming platform, Canela.TV, provides U.S. Latinos with culturally relevant content on-demand (VOD) and its Live Channels, including a unique mix of programming through Originals ...
The company houses more than 35,000 hours of content and has already established itself as a media leader delivering culturally relevant content to multicultural audiences through its AVOD platform ...