The South Florida Water Management District reported overall nesting down although snowy egrets, South Florida's dominant ...
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers controls lake levels, and the agency has been making discharges to both coasts for months in ...
Here’s which Florida beaches you can drive on this spring break 2025, how much driving passes cost. What to know before your spring break travel.
Lake Okeechobee's water level is declining ... "They can dabble," said Paul Gray, a bird expert with Audubon Florida. "When we're at 13 feet there's about 38,000 of acres of marsh that's dried ...
Florida Bay needs just the right mix of freshwater and saltwater — a brackish mix for birds, manatees ... environmentalists pleaded that case to water managers for years.
See an osprey perched by the water? Caught the briefest ... wild turkeys and, in Florida, many types of herons. Altitudinal migrants: These are birds that change altitude, not location, generally ...
Spring has sprung in Florida, and with it comes the nesting season for many of the state's shorebirds, seabirds, and wading birds. The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC ...
"The only bright spot is water birds such as herons and egrets that ... greater sage-grouse, Florida scrub jay, Baird's sparrow, saltmarsh sparrow, mountain plover, Hawaiian petrel, Bicknell's ...
Red tide is caused by a naturally occurring organism called Karenia brevis, which can discolor water and release toxins ... It's officially spring break season in Florida! However, whether ...
brevis produces brevetoxins capable of killing fish, birds, and other marine ... daily due to wind conditions and water currents. To report symptoms from Florida red tide or any aquatic toxin ...
My eyes water and itch ... outside watching the birds. Suzy Fleming Leonard is a retired journalist who spent 25 years as a writer, editor and columnist at FLORIDA TODAY. Reach her at suzy@ ...