Faye Mishna, an expert on bullying, cyberbullying and the use of new technologies in the field of social work, will become ...
From Biblical Theft to Parental Alienation. Our Mishna on Amud Beis discusses the penalty for kidnapping, which can be the ...
Of all the vessels in the Mikdash, the kiyor is something of a conundrum. Is it one of the main vessels in the Mikdash, like the Menorah, Shulchan, etc., or not?
Shiloh and Jerusalem represent two complementary forces – engagement with the world and preservation of identity – that drive ...
In the haftarah, too, Shaul faces a situation that requires the full participation of the entire nation, a milchemet mitzvah, ...
With Purim rapidly approaching, below is a blueprint of how to prudently spend your money to enhance the holiday instead of just trying to one up your friends.
As part of the de-recognition, a statement contextualizing Scott’s legacy was read into the record at U of T’s Governing ...
With branches all over the world, Emunah Women provides social programs and funding for many Israeli women and children ...
The Gemara relates: One day, in the early days of the Mishna in Eretz Yisrael, Choni HaMe’agel was walking along the road. He saw a man planting a carob tree and asked him in how many years it ...
On February 27, U of T’s Governing Council met to appoint a new ombudsperson, provide updates on the review of the Guide to ...