Cristina Valdiosera, a molecular archaeologist expert in ancient DNA, will coordinate this group, resulting from an agreement between both ...
To keep the 1.5°C ambition attainable, each G20 country must achieve at least 50% non-fossil electricity generation by 2035, and ensure that ...
Collaboration at Mainz University enables the simulation of skyrmion dynamics on experimentally relevant time scales ...
Tohoku University researchers are breaking limits by increasing the temperature multiferroics can operate at, from room temperature up to a ...
The new method optimises the technical design with regard to classic objectives such as costs, efficiency and package space ...
Tourists are a vulnerable group that is not sufficiently considered in contingency plans, warns a researcher at the ...
Dr Harry Evans, Emeritus Fellow at CAB International, led scientists – including from the Natural History Museum of Denmark ...
It’s been 10 years since Norwegian neuroscientists May-Britt and Edvard Moser won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine ...
Researchers at the Accelerator Laboratory of the University of Jyväskylä, Finland, measured very precisely atomic masses of radioactive lanthanum ...
The electronics of the future can be made even smaller and more efficient by getting more memory cells to fit in less space.
Arts at CERN, in partnership with the Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia, announces the artist selected for the latest edition ...
Over the past two decades, the idea of targeting transcription factors to combat malignancies has turned into a clinical ...