Mitsubishi Electric has signed a MOU with Amazon Web Services (AWS) to collaborate in data centre and cloud services ...
Highly efficient, monochrome OLED microdisplay with a brightness of over 70,000 Nits introduced with path to 200,000 Nits.
DeGirium has developed an AI cloud-based hub that can be used as an evaluation platform to simplify prototyping and ...
Same Sky’s Interconnect Group (formerly CUI Devices) has launched 40 new models in an expansion of its pogo pins connectors.
Eighth-generation IGBT chips help to minimize power loss in renewable-energy power-supply systems and other industrial ...
The University of Vermont in the US is to host a $23m research and development hub for gallium nitride (GaN) power ...
Startup Indichip Semiconductors Ltd. has agreed to build a silicon-carbide wafer fab in the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh.
The VITA trade group has several working groups for the VITA 100 next generation high performance OpenVPX embedded computing ...
Partners drive cutting-edge WLAN testing to deliver a real-world environment that is integral to the development of ...
As reported in the latest issue of Nature Communications, the new platform—dubbed “charge programmed multi-material 3D ...
have identified and eliminated a previously unknown loss mechanism in organic solar cells that makes them more efficient and ...
Researchers at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) in the US have shown the first transmission of an entangled quantum signal using multiple wavelength channels and automatic polarization ...