The trial opened in Paris on Monday of five jihadists accused of the kidnapping and detention of four French journalists in ...
A French radio station put a volunteer panel of native French speakers through the same test of French-language skills ...
French President Emmanuel Macron on Monday hosted a rapidly convened summit with a number of European leaders on the future of the war in Ukraine, and above all a European representative presence ...
The Mature Age', a bronze sculpture by French artist Camille Claudel, who led a troubled love affair with Auguste Rodin, was discovered under a sheet in an empty Paris apartment and has now fetched ...
The summit in Paris on Ukraine's future, to be held on Monday afternoon, just as the US and Russia begin exclusive bilateral talks over a ceasfire in Ukraine, will bring together the leaders of ...
Several female cabin crew employed by Air France have told an investigation by public broadcaster Radio France of systemic sexual harassment by male colleagues, including pilots, and alleged that ...
French customs officers stopped an Italy-bound courier van in southern France for a routine check when they discovered two parcels containing nine dinosaur teeth probably dating back tens of ...
During a phone conversation on Friday, Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky told his French counterpart, Emmanuel Macron, that Europe 'must be represented at the negotiating table' in any eventual ...
« Salut ma chérie, j’espère que ça va », écrit le 12 mars 2013 David Haines à sa fille Bethany. Dans les trois semaines qui ...
Le Premier ministre finlandais Petteri Orpo a estimé jeudi que son pays et l’Europe devaient augmenter leurs budgets de ...
Plusieurs fusillades ont eu lieu jeudi près d’un point de deal d’un quartier prioritaire d’Albi, conduisant à dix ...
Deux ans avant d’assassiner trois personnes dans la basilique de Nice (sud-est), le 29 octobre 2020, Brahim Aouissaoui ...