This virus is a type of filovirus linked to severe hemorrhagic fevers that can be fatal. The treatment's progress and the financial backing from BARDA are critical for addressing this public health ...
Marburg and Ebola viruses are both members of the Filoviridae family (filovirus) and caused by different viruses, although the two are clinically similar. Marburg was first identified in 1967.
Our observations suggest that the broad antiviral activity of these genes reported previously in human cells is conserved in Egyptian fruit bats and these possess anti-filovirus activities that may ...
These bonds were risky financial instruments whose payoffs were contingent upon the outbreak of a global disease – coronavirus was one in a list including flu, Crimean Congo hemorrhagic fever, ...
These findings hint at one way that a filovirus could evolve to better infect a host with receptors that were less than optimal. Following on from this work, the next challenges will be to expand the ...