An avian influenza vaccine for layers, broilers, and practical for farmers was developed thanks to innovative technology ...
The global average for countries to report genetic information about bird flu, crucial to tracking and preventing a human ...
Bird flu has long been a top contender for starting the next pandemic. Between 2003 and 2023, there were 882 cases reported ...
Bird flu cases are rising rapidly in the U.S. and around the world. A new study traces how the disease spread over the last ...
Turkeys, cattle, cats and pheasants in South Dakota have been infected with bird flu. Scientists worry: Is a large human ...
Pemerintahan Presiden Donald Trump telah mengambil langkah drastis untuk menekan lonjakan harga telur akibat wabah flu burung ...
The detection of bird flu in a sheep is another sign that the H5N1 virus is adapting to hop to new hosts ...
The H5N1 virus was detected in a single animal in Yorkshire, the British government said on Monday. It added that the risk to humans remained very low.
Highly pathogenic avian influenza, commonly called bird flu, has increasingly spread to mammals and infected hundreds of ...
Recent viral mutations have shown avian influenza’s adaptability to mammalian hosts, prompting infectious disease, animal ...
H5N1 influenza is evolving rapidly, weakening the effectiveness of existing antibodies and increasing its potential threat to ...
Safari Park, San Diego Zoo and SeaWorld have not seen any of the animals in their collections infected in the three years ...