After months of campaigning, Tower Hamlets council has committed to divest its pension fund from investments complicit in ...
Prosecutors are going after Dr Dror Dayan, a British academic, for his pro-Palestine views. He spoke to Socialist Worker ...
Netanyahu's government boast about using the "lessons" they learnt in Gaza in raids on towns in the West Bank.
The road to the Southport atrocity was paved by the system, from schools to mental health services, failing the family of ...
Anti-racists are building for a mass demonstration against Tommy Robinson’s supporters in London on Saturday 1 February.
The global elite returned to the Swiss town of Davos this week as the Oxfam charity revealed that the rich are getting richer ...
Palestinians held hostage by Israel are being released, but Israel has kept them in horrific conditions—and they have little ...
The Metropolitan police have charged leading figures in the movement with public order offenses after the Palestine protest ...
Veolia workers continue strikes for union recognition, UCU workers prepare for action, Fareham bus workers set for more ...
The Monstrous Anger Of The Guns shows how the arms industry works and how war and slaughter is built into capitalism.
As school workers defend education and strike over unsustainable work loads, the headteacher has mobilised 'divisive rhetoric ...
To repress the Palestine movement, the British state is going after its leaders and have charged PCS director Ben Jamal.