“Not all corals are attached to the substrate; some are solitary and free-living, allowing them to migrate into preferred ...
E lectromagnetic chorus waves once thought to only exist close to the Earth have been found at a distance of 165,000 ...
More testing is needed, but if the same results are seen in humans, it could transform treatment of the disease.
"Our analysis, while it shows the temperature reduction during the months of the lockdown, also reveals that the downward trend in temperatures began as far back as 2019, and that other similar trends ...
This latest study sought to tackle just that in examining how the risk of long COVID differed between females and males. To ...
Their existence contradicts the common assertion the Earth’s mantle is well-mixed, suggesting our models are wrong.
The Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST), known as the "Artificial Sun", is China’s cutting-edge fusion ...
A round 350,000 years ago, a now-extinct volcano in southern Italy violently erupted, spewing ash high into the atmosphere ...
A spotted hyena embarked on a lengthy and unexpected journey when it traveled to southeastern Egypt, marking the first time ...
In the last year or so, several surveys have demonstrated that the public confidence in scientists in the US remains high, despite there being a partisan divide. But what about the rest of the world?
The official title of the "steepest street” is actually quite controversial: the associated Guinness World Record has changed ...