body high but no visuals - The Psychedelic Experience - Shroomery ...
Dec 7, 2003 · you only want to do mushrooms for visuals? A little pot helps the visuals... so does nature on a sunny day. Try closing your eyes... this is a great way to watch a light show... then …
(how to) INTENSIFY SHROOM VISUALS? - The Psychedelic …
Jun 25, 2009 · I've tripped about 40 times, and at best (guessing) 5 of those did I have any visuals worth mentioning. Er... and I guess it's worth mentioning those were all on mushrooms too, …
Seeing Faces and Eyes on shrooms. Anyone else? - The …
Feb 13, 2007 · Aztecs worship a rock that looks like a head, and for some reason human beings choose to interprit all of the chaos in the form of faces, as well as other more common patterns …
The different kinds of pipe screens explained - CannaConnection
Aug 14, 2020 · We have a quick look at what kind of pipe screens are available for the average pot enthusiast, and how they cause the experience to differ. Pipe and bong screens are all …
r/shrooms on Reddit: This is EXACTLY how words look on screens …
When looking at TVs and other LCD\screens, I can see the individual layers of light between glass panels and the individual led\pixels. Using a phone with a screen protector is almost …
A pot head trying shrooms : r/Drugs - Reddit
Posted by u/Gorillazkid - 21 votes and 13 comments
Tryptamines [Mushrooms Subthread] Combination & Potentiation
May 13, 2000 · Don't want to try pot as I don't want to get high and tripping. I doubt smoking pot, as enjoyable as it may be while tripping, will, raise my trip itself to higher levels. I know X or …
Made this while thinking about how screens work : r/shrooms - Reddit
Apr 6, 2020 · Once while smoking pot I saw a grid pattern on the life around me. I’ve never experienced that again, but that imagery has always stuck with me so anything this related is …
What's it like coming up on shrooms? Symptom wise? - The …
Jul 5, 2009 · You know you are coming up when you look at something, turn your head, and that something smears across your vision. Colors begin to appear brighter at the very beginning …
Seeing Ghosts on Shrooms: The Truth Behind Psychedelic Visions
Oct 22, 2024 · Discover why shrooms may make you see ghosts and other visions. We dive into the science behind psychedelic trips and spooky hallucinations