worldtour.flights - Search
Find places to fly in Microsoft Flight Simulator.
[G.A World Tour] - 004 -- SBBR to SBPJ by RickSF (25 downloads) 2 h 37 m
USA Update Discovery Trip - worldtour.flights
World Tour Flights. Contact FAQ Upload Flight Plan Login Register. Contact FAQ Login Register USA Update Discovery Trip (5) Log in to rate this flight plan. Recommended Aircraft. Beechcraft Bonanza or Baron, Cirrus SR22, Diamond DA62 Flight Summary. Key West, Florida, to Friday Harbor, Washington. 228 waypoints over 5220 nautical miles! ...
How to fly the flight plans - worldtour.flights
Select the file you downloaded from World Tour Flights. The flight plan should load and you should see the route on your world map. Select your aircraft, weather, and time using the regular options in MSFS. Click the "FLY" button to begin your flight!
World Tour Part 55: Nepal by ColKlink (171 downloads) 1 h 30 m
World Tour Flights. Contact FAQ Upload Flight Plan Login Register. Contact FAQ
All Capitals of the world - worldtour.flights
You can edit/create VFR flight plans for MSFS with this program. You can edit this world tour to make a set of shorter trips. You can follow and navigate any MSFS flight with GTFP's moving map.
World Tour Part 33: Botswana - Okavango Delta by ColKlink (358 downloads) 1 h 10 m
Amelia Earhart's Fateful Flight Around the World - worldtour.flights
In 1937, Amelia Earhart attempted to fly around the globe, starting in Oakland, CA and ending in San Francisco, CA. This flight plan follows her footsteps around the planet, with stops across the Southern United States, Puerto Rico, South America, Africa, Asia, and the Pacific Ocean.
Fly the interior of Canada's beautiful British Columbia. From runway 33 follow the Columbia River from CYCG Kootenay to Upper Arrow Lake and through the Kootenay mountains to CYLW Kelowna on Okanagan Lake. 5000 ft for the river and ascend to …