whats the difference between jungle fowl and regular fowl
Oct 11, 2011 · True Junglefowl are found only in Asia, and mainly in the Far East or Southeast. Red, Grey, and Green are the main types I know of, though I believe there is a fourth. These birds are small (usually less than 5 pounds for males); have single combs; longer, semi-low-carried tails; and a body carriage/build similar to many Mediterranean breeds ...
Red Junglefowl | Page 3 | BackYard Chickens - Learn How to Raise …
Nov 30, 2011 · I have pure red junglefowl caught in the jungle in cambodia where i live. The female died and the male fly away but I suceed to keep their eggs and hatch them. I got 6 female and 1 male and let them free range with other fighting chicken, ducks, peacock and dove.
Red Junglefowl? | BackYard Chickens - Learn How to Raise Chickens
Apr 4, 2016 · She is somewhat not to wild like her siblings that I got. She more easier to catch by hand than a net. When I sent this hen to the breeder, he told me she was a project pullet out of his thailand gamefowl x red junglefowl. I'm surprise how I got her and she was the first to lay egg. Her eggs is lightly bigger than the normal sized red jungle ...
Historic Presence of Jungle Fowl in the American Deep South
May 14, 2019 · Wild Red Jungle fowl were never raised as farm stock in the US. They were stocked by South Carolina Fish and Game as a game animal, an idea that never quite took off, but the chickens remain in an isolated population. Gamefowl, (bankivoid gamefowl) have had recent (in last 400 years) outcrosses to WRJF, and share many traits.
Red Junglefowl and Natural Nests - BackYard Chickens
Oct 26, 2010 · Red Junglefowl are smart. If there is a coop around, with nice basket nests with grass or straw - they will use that. If they have no housing, they will probably find a nest if you are giving them a lot of cover.
Red Junglefowl - disease resistance - BackYard Chickens
Apr 19, 2022 · What is your experience with Red Junglefowl disease resistance? I have a disease - maybe a mareks disease for several years in my breeding. I found my Sumatra chicken and Leghorns to be hardy. but some fatty or breed-affected breeds that I added to the flock soon died. American game fowl also has no problems.
The Red Junglefowl (Gallus gallus) - BackYard Chickens
Aug 12, 2023 · Intro: The Red Junglefowl (Gallus gallus) is a species of chicken native to Southeast Asia. Here are eight characteristics of the Red Junglefowl from around 1500: Physical Appearance: The Red Junglefowl is a medium-sized bird with a slender body...
Red Junglefowl | BackYard Chickens - Learn How to Raise Chickens
Jul 22, 2011 · Junglefowl are not pheasants. Many decades ago, this was the opinion that Junglefowl were a type of pheasant, belonging to the Pheasant family. We know today that Junglefowl probably belong to their own family, the Gallusinidae. This theory is gaining common consensus amongst avian systematists.
Jun 25, 2019 · I read a post here called "Establishing Feral Chicken flock" from 2020. It ran for 12 pages, it was very interesting. By the way, did you know that there was an attempt to establish Red Junglefowl in the USA as a wild game bird decades ago. Scientists / conservationists chose the Southern USA...
Sophisticated Fowl: The Complex Behaviour and ... - BackYard …
Jan 9, 2009 · The red junglefowl (Gallus gallus) is the main ancestor of today’s chickens [4,5], although there has been introgression from other junglefowl species, such as the grey junglefowl (Gallus sonneratii) [5]. Domestic chickens and red junglefowl are still the same species and interbreed when able.